Situated: Close to Biro,
close to Divundu in the eastern Kavango region in Namibia
What is the
project about?
Why should this
project be supported?
Who is EBC Namibia?
EBC Namibia (EBCN) is the
Evangelical Bible Church of Namibia with it's regional head office in Rundu, Namibia. The local Church Board
Members are:
Pastor Saul
Thomas - National Director, EBCN
Domingo Mweneputa
Lukas Mbumba
Lukas Kazanga
The local
Pastor at DiHokoHoko is Pastor Anton Mberema
Ltr: Pst S Thomas, Pst A Mberema, Pst D Mweneputa, Pst L Mbumba
and Pst L Kasanga
and Pst L Kasanga
EBCN Registration No – 21/20130668
EBCN board
has a long standing relationship with their traditional leaders and church members
in the DiHokoHoko area.
EBCN also has
long relationship with Albie Oelofse who has started a pilot project at
DiHokoHoko and who is submitting proposals for EBCN for DiHokoHoko for a
Training Centre.
EBCN has partnered up with Albie Oelofse (AO) who has 4 years of experience in managing Peri-Urban Horticulture Projects in association with Albert Fosso who is a Horticulture Expert formerly from the FAO.
has experience and exposure in the following areas:
He was a senior manager at a Financial
Institute for 13 years
was the founding member of the Namibia Horticulture Trust (NHT)
is a trustee of NHT - Registration No TR305/11
and submitting project proposals for the DiHokoHoko Project since
Managed the Hope Village Project since 1998 (see Hope Village)
Managing and submitting project
proposals for the Kyaramacan Peoples
Trust (KPT) Project since 1999
Managed projects for NLCC, the
Samaritans in Okahandja and Rhenish in
Rehoboth since 2000.
What is this project about?
EBCN would like to start
a project at DiHokoHoko in the Kavango East Region through which a Peri-Urban
Horticulture Training Centre will be established and maintained. This project
is planned to be implemented in 2 phases:
1. A pilot project of 1 year during
which Trainers of Gardeners (TOGs) will be trained and initiated using 20
Veggie Tunnels.
2. The main project of 2 years during
which the TOGs will assist in training selected people from the area to become
gardeners to benefit local communities and to become commercial farmers.
is DiHokoHoko?
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does EBCN need?
EBCN needs funding for the
pilot project that will establish and train 5 selected TOGs at DiHokoHoko. This
funding will empower the trainers to grow into the new horticulture training
culture for about 12 months, to be ready for the main project. This pilot
project will highlight a lot, if not most shortcomings regarding cultural issues,
communication issues, traditional issues that is normally ignored and which may
cause a lot of problems.
The pilot project should
have 20 Veggie Tunnels only, to start an intensive training program for the
TOGs and to use the time for quality training. The one big benefit is that the
EBCN board has approved the project and that 3 of the 5 TOGs live on or close to
the premises. This premises has water which is pumped from the Okavango River by
electrical pumps into tanks, accommodation in the form of brick and mortar
houses and an electrical power feed.
AO in association with
EBCN had various meetings with the local communities of the DiHokoHoko area
explained what is envisioned and how he local people will benefit from this
project. Meetings were held with the Fumu (Chief Headman), the area headman and
the local headman. All of these leaders welcomed the project as was explained
to them.
for Divundu projects:
Cost Projections
Pilot Project - 10 Tunnels
Capital expenses
172 561
Maintenance 1st year
18 100
Labor 1st year
5 143
Office expenses 1st year
Salaries 1st year
Training 1st year
Transport 1st year
18 278
1st Year reserve
22 394
NAD 236 476
Please see the detailed budgetary
figures attached.
Why should this project be supported?
* This project will alleviate poverty and the lack of income in the area close to where it is implemented.
* The local people has ample access to water and owns the land around the DiHokoHoko Project; all they need is proper training in skills.
* EBCN is aware of this need and wants to address this need through its existing infrastructure and assistance in partnership.
* EBCN in partnership with Albie Oelofse have started pilot projects to break new ground and to start training the future TOGs already.
* Pastor Mberema has started to market and sell his produce on a small scale already.
The above proves that
the DiHokoHoko community in association with EBCN is willing and ready to take
on the new challenges for the new Horticulture Training Project at the EBCN facility.
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